Technological Evolution – Now It’s Time to Use a Micro HDMI Cable
High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) has been available since 2003, but the connectivity has gained widespread use with the spread of Blu-Ray, HD TV and similar High definition into mainstream life. Micro HDMI cables are the newest development of the technology, using smaller USB style end connectors to plug into the ever decreasing size ports. It is only a quarter of the size of previous connectors, but allows the same high standard technological transmission of media data to provide high definition data in the receiving device, typically home theater systems.
The micro HDMI Cable uses the latest HDMI technology that only arrived during the summer of 2009. It is able to transmit a far higher resolution of picture – typically 4096×2160 pixels, offering over double the clarity of previous versions. And compatible with digital theater definition and currently being developed to allow 3D technology to be transmitted – as in movie theaters.
The micro HDMI Cables are relatively higher prices than previous versions. As with all technological advancement, the prices are likely to fall as take becomes more prevalent. There are only a few Televisions and media devices on the market that offer the medium as a connection, but it is anticipated that this will also increase with time. In the meantime there are also a number of adapters available on the market to enable users to plug in new to old style connectors. The lengths of lead available still follow the same definitions as with previous wiring. Up to 5 meters can be provided relatively cheaply with no loss of information, but going to 10 meters and beyond can cause issues and the leads need additional work to ensure loss less transmission making these more expensive to purchase.
One of the many advantages of using the micro HDMI cables is that the use of the version 1.4 HDMI connectivity which permits 2 -way data transmission. This effectively enables the information to be responsive, allowing for return flow data whilst receiving information. Often referenced as HDMI with Ethernet, this technology will permit internet connectivity at far faster rates than currently available and permit live streaming of media in high definition 4k mode through to home theaters, that being if the appropriate web connectivity speed is available. The 4k reference is used to reference the new technology having 4 times the definition of the old and up to 4080i output.
There are a number of other advantages to using the micro HDMI cable in that the connectivity input point takes so little room that it is ideal to be used on Camcorders, Smartphone’s and other portable digital media devices. There is very little space and technology requirement enabling high definition transmission for such devices without the need to take up large amounts of space on the outside body of the item.
The new technology does require the use of the new micro HDMI cable as the connectivity is not compatible with the old leads. However, simple cost effective adapters allow the older devices to use the new connectors and enable both old and new technology to be utilized and hence purchase of only new leads is required to meet all future and current demands.
Undoubtedly the take up of micro HDMI cables will depend on the extent to which manufactures take on board the technology and how rapidly they choose to do so. However there are a number of devices on the market, home theater systems, digital cameras and digital display units that are already being manufactured and most importantly sold with these connections. It will surely come down the economics of consumer purchasing power to drive forward the take up of the technology across all appropriate devices.
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